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Combine/Performance Testing

We use performance testing to help identify areas of weakness in your athleticism, so that you can get the most out of your training time and effort by working on those areas.

In the classic fitness tests conducted at many schools and club teams for team sports, the athlete who finishes first in these tests often does not play the most minutes. Nor are they typically the MVP of the team. This is especially true at high school and youth levels.

Oftentimes, that test is for your aerobic fitness, or how much oxygen you can use as fuel.  Even in an endurance sport, that rarely tells us who wins the race.  In a team sport that also demands speed, strength and so on, the fittest player often is slow, or has low strength, or something else that limits them.

Our performance testing evaluates all the athletic skills relevant to your sport. We compare your results to national peers and track your progress over time. With this data, we can guide a fit but slow athlete on how to improve both fitness and speed-related aspects.

It goes further than that. You might be slower than average, but the key is understanding why. Is it due to your strength? Your sprinting technique? Or your ability to repeatedly sprint, as required by your sport? All these factors are considered in our evaluation process. 

Finally, knowing what limits you only helps so much.  How do you improve on your weaknesses, and how do you keep or make your strengths even better?  That's where our training programs can help, even if they "just" help you or your team work things into your warm-ups without increasing training time each week, or if they add several training sessions per week to your schedule. 

That's your and your team's decision, but the point is that we can customize your training to your needs, and look at future testing so that you can continue to make adjustments and keep improving.

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