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Each of our services is backed by decades of academic and practical hands-on experience in its respective field.  

Our programs and services are tailored to each athlete, whether you are utilizing our services individually or as a team. 

Each tab below provides details on the relevant service.  Individual pages for each subject are even more detailed.  The video below presents a brief description of many of our services.  We will continue to add updated videos and files to each tab below as well.
Strength and Conditioning
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Strength and conditioning training aimed at improving sport performance differs from what the usual health club offers.  Exercises may be the same, but the way they are used differs because we are looking to optimize performance while minimizing wear and tear, as well as injury risks.


Everything we create is therefore tailored to the individual needs of the person using it.  We take into account your experience in training settings, your access to equipment, as well as your performance level in skills like strength, speed power and fitness.  Adjustments to training are made based on how you do in each of these areas, so that you make progress in all areas while limiting injury risks.


We can also help train groups of athletes, and full teams.  Our programs are designed to optimize workflow through YOUR facility, with YOUR equipment and space so athletes can train together in the most efficient way possible.


All our programs are integrated with each other.  So, for example, a person desiring improved speed will have weight workouts tailored to help achieve that, taking into account whatever position demands (e.g., goalies are different than forwards, receivers are different than linemen), injury history, rehab, tissue work, work/school load and nutritional needs might require.

Nutrition for Sports
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Nutrition is definitely different from "diet," which is as much a four-letter word as can be!


As we think of them, diets are ways of depriving the body of fuel so that it can have an appearance that others feel is attractive or athletic.  


Food is fuel.  It's there to help us perform well while in great health.  Of course, it has to taste good as well!.  


ATP nutrition is detailed, but simple to follow.  We review YOUR needs, health and performance history and training/lifestyle background.  Then, we identify what types of food you enjoy eating.  Then, and only then, do we create menus for you that provide simple-to-follow recipes using a small number of ingredients. 



Speed and Agility Training
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Whatever the sport, speed and agility are absolute needs in one way or another.


Speed includes a number of skills; acceleration, speed and agility, to name a few!


Most sports really require quickness, and the ability to repeatedly move quickly, more than they require speed.  Quickness is your first few steps.  It usually amounts to about 5-15 yards of distance covered.  The more separation you can gain from your opponents in those few steps, the better.  Even a gain of a foot or so of separation can make you a more effective and dominant player.  


Agility is the ability to change direction. At the highest levels of sports, it's pretty common to have to make hundreds of direction changes (or cuts) during a game!


Speed involves getting toward your top velocity.  For most athletes, with the exception of sprinters, the speed we are moving at continues to increase for up to 30-40 yards.  Sprinters keep increasing speed for 70 yards or more.  In most sports, it's unusual to reach top speed more than once or twice in a game.


Speed training is a foundation of training for most sports.  Even though top speed is rarely used, the higher your top speed, the easier it is to continue to move at a fast pace during a game.    


Knowing how to run fast helps you save energy during a game, especially when stops, starts, cuts and skill efforts are added.  


Learning to increase speed, agility and quickness is done through a focus on how you move, as well as through training strength in a way that carries over to the field of play.  We figure out the complex part of what you need, so that you "only" have to do the training.  


 Nothing is gained from doing endless wind-sprints or pointless speed drills while tired.  We use simple exercises supervised through an expert coaching eye.  As seemingly minor adjustments are made and you focus on them within a few weeks, you're moving faster and more safely.

Video Analysis
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Video analysis can be used with any movement.  You can download any of dozens of apps for this. The key to optimizing their use comes from understanding all the details that can, and should be measured, and tying these to the specific training that will provide the most benefit for the athlete at a given moment in the training cycle.


Two people might perform identically in a sprint, but the training each needs to improve the most is rarely the same.  


The details are pretty complex, but the point is this; how each athlete gets to that sprint time matters.  One might blast out of the start and one picks up speed as they move.  So their training has to attend to that.  For the athlete, this is a matter of focusing on the best effort in whatever exercises are used for each workout.  The background work we do is where the complexity lies, and also the magic!

Training Load Management
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As a pro athlete enters the practice facility, the sport performance staff can assess if they're ready to train hard, or if they need to get some recovery work in.  Few individuals have the luxury of the tools the pros use, or their staff, but ATP addresses many of these, issues using simple online tools athletes as young as middle school can use with ease.


This can be further modified with mental skills training and evaluations.  As mental skills training and recovery management) are typically desired only by the most driven and committed athletes, the details here are limited to the fact that the services are available and our algorithms have been used by our staff with athletes at the Olympic and professional level of sport for years across many sports.

Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation
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Ask any strength coach what the daily task is, and the most common answer will be "to prevent injury, or limit injury risk...improved performance is a side-effect of that!"


Sports all carry an inherent risk.  The modern trend to load more games into less time means that training time and/or sleep have to be sacrificed.  The near epidemic levels of youth sport injuries, especially recurring serious joint injuries in tweens, ought to inform us that this is a bad idea!


We tailor our training to be completed effectively and safely within an hour's time for almost every single type of workout in our spectrum. 


We also prioritize movement, and its quality, over all else in training.  Performance in sports, and in everything else, is never static.  It evolves over time so that we have "good hair days" and "bad hair days," but can learn during each of them if our individual needs are taken into account.  


Our medical staff is able to provide in-person rehab services with our athletes, but also can offer remote preventive work and guidance so you know where to find help where you live. 

Programs and Costs

The breadth of our services is such that what follows is a baseline of general services on a per-session basis, and in packages for the individual for on-site training.  Group and team services can also be prorated from those shown. 


Off-site training carries added fees if extensive travel required for our staff. 


Please contact us for details directly regarding our ability to provide consultations and off-site remote services, including large-scale training programs for use in any gym/home setting, tailored to the needs of the individual and/or the group.



           One on One Training with Staff:

              $75/hour - certified staff

               $95/hour - executive staff

$500/mo - 3 or more sessions per week

$350/mo - Group training with unlimited access to scheduled weekly sessions



     Individual Training within a Group  (Limit - 6 athletes)


                     $350/month - 3 or more sessions per week 

               $35 per session drop in rate



           Group/Team Training

              $150/hour - 1 trainer/up to 18 athletes

Drop in rate (predetermined group-training times on-site) - $25/athlete


          Consultations with Medical Staff

              $150/hour (MD/Physical Therapist)



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